Thank you for your interest in purchasing tickets from VividTIX. Before you proceed to purchase tickets, we strongly recommend you go through the following terms and conditions:
In this section, words like ‘holder’, ‘bearer’, and ‘purchaser’ will refer to you – the person who will buy VividTIX tickets to any event utilizing our VividTIX service. On the other hand, ‘our’, ‘us’, ‘we’, ‘issuer’, ‘provider’ and similar terms will indicate VividTIX.
We really hope you will have a great time at any VividTIX event
Terms & Conditions last updated on 1/21/2024
Event Hours:
Friday 1pm – 7pm
Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 11am – 4pm
Contact Us:
Event Address:
111 Mylan Park Lane,
Morgantown WV 26501